Introduction of Thomas Landwehr

Introduction of our new Associate Partner, Thomas Landwehr

Today we introduce our  Associate Partner, Thomas Landwehr. Thomas, thank you for answering a few questions about yourself today. You know our product portfolio in the areas of leadership, sales productivity and change management.

What are your specialties as an Associate Partner of CEVEYGROUP?

Courage to change, courage to experiment, thinking and acting in refreshing different ways. I am socialized in the “old world” and open, interested and meanwhile also experienced in the “new world”. I see my strength in combining both with a sense of proportion and thus enabling innovation and development. Future needs roots and origin.

Which 3 trends do you think our customers should focus on at the moment?

Trend 1: Organizations must continue to develop. They provide the framework for action for management and employees. Ensure an “adaptive organization”.

Trend 2: Development, innovation in a world of uncertainty and unpredictability can only be realized if we succeed in organizing a space of psychological security. Experiments are desired, mistakes are allowed to happen.

Trend 3: Leadership in change. It is necessary to rethink leadership. Away from specifications and announcements, towards the empowerment of competent employees.

What 3 specific tips can you give them in this regard?

Use digitalization for your company; the opportunities are great to automate work and thus make it more efficient.

Focus attention on the market, on creating value for the customer, and less on internal references such as policies, regulations, meetings.

Rethink leadership and collaboration. There is no right or wrong here, only fit or not fit. So go on the journey and find your way – maybe with a travel companion.

About Thomas Landwehr:
Career consultant, coach, trainer and sparring partner for managers and companies on the topics of career, leadership, communication and personal development.
Studied business administration in Hamburg
Many years of management experience in the petroleum, photographic, textile and electrical industries.
Accompanied and designed one of the first digital transformations in the photo industry from paper image to digital image
Change to consulting at the age of 44
Author of the book “Karriere im Umbruch: Strategien für Manager in der digitalen Arbeitswelt” (Career in Transition: Strategies for Managers in the Digital World of Work)


Thank you, Thomas, for the interesting interview.


#leadership #digitalization #CEVEYGROUP #associatepartner


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