No. 5 of the “10 typical mistakes in complex b2b sales”.

Due to the lack of penetration in the buying center, statements made by individual contacts are generalized for the entire customerThe lack of networking in the buying center mentioned in our last article is an obvious weakness in the sales process of many companies.

But what is the actual impact of this vulnerability?

Who we don’t know, we logically don’t understand. As a result, we are missing important information and requirements, which we are also unable to take into account during solution development.

Another negative effect is that we cannot tailor our added value to the requirements of individual key contacts. For example, the goals of IT, sales, and production differ greatly in a CRM implementation.

This makes our value proposition generic and presumably little different from the competition. If a contact person now reads our offer, he does not find himself in it. These contacts often recommend competition or simply support the majority opinion.

Therefore our tip:
Clarify early in the customer’s decision-making process that it is very important to you to understand the INDIVIDUAL requirements of ALL contacts in a personal meeting!

Contribution by Pierre Martin,
Managing Director of CEVEYCONSULTING GmbH

#salesproductivity #smartinsales #sales #b2sales #buyingcenter #valueproposition

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