Successfully mastering difficult team tasks together

“Often activities, while you do them, are not lust-filling, but it is incredibly lust-filling to have done them.” (Richard David Precht – 2022)

During my last rowing training, I couldn’t help but think of my participants in a team development seminar who were able to successfully solve a difficult team task only after overcoming difficult challenges. From my own emotions, I could relate to how they felt about it.

I was rowing in unpleasant weather conditions. 4 degrees – rain – wind. Conditions that no rower really likes. On this Sunday morning, I was the only one from my club who was not deterred by the rainy weather. It was a challenge and overcoming to go out and get the boat ready with clammy fingers. I was inwardly wondering why I was even doing this and not sitting at home having an extended breakfast. Even during the rowing there were moments that were not nice, when the rain ran down the neck, the feet slowly became cold and the wind tugged at the boat. But there were also those beautiful moments when the wind and rain subsided for a moment; the boat glided almost magically over the water and I was at one with myself, nature and movement. At that moment I felt free and happy and was glad to have made this decision.

My participants from the last team development seminar came to mind. We sometimes face great challenges and problems professionally and do not immediately recognize the solution or the right way out. At the same time, we don’t feel good, we don’t have fun, and we wonder if we’re on the right track.

My participants had to solve a complex team development task in the seminar, which presented them with difficulties and at some moments caused frustration and doubt. Through good cooperation, open and honest communication in a psychologically safe environment and the courageous trying out of different solutions, this exercise was successfully resolved in the end.

In the subsequent reflection, it became clear how important it is not to give up even under difficult conditions, to remain open to the ideas of others and to successfully solve problems together through good agreements. The joy of the group, about the successful solution of the task was huge at the end. In the evening, there was always exuberant talk about this learning experience. Everyone was satisfied, although the road to get there was difficult, frustrating and arduous.

This feeling of absolute satisfaction and happiness when you have nevertheless achieved your goal after a difficult challenge is something very special and the reason why it is worth accepting challenges.

Contribution by Thomas Frodeno,

#team development #strongertogether #team development seminar

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